Saturday, December 21, 2013

Front Porch Christmas

Today I will share with you my front porch décor. I didn't do a ton outside as to not take away from my husbands spectacular light show he has created this year (I'll have to take some pictures when its dark and post those up).
Here is my front door! Surprisingly I did not make this sign. I got it from my Mom's hand-me-down Christmas decorations. Although it would be very simple to make. The wreath is from Hobby Lobby.
M patio chairs were once a dirty tan color that I spray painted this summer a flat gray to match the front porch.
Handmade JOY sign 
What I did here is I used a extra wood crate that I had stained awhile back and filled it with some fake poinsettias and a pair of old ice skates that were also a hand-me-down from my Mom's décor.


One last shot of the porch with my favorite piece of outdoor décor the "JOY" sign.
Thank you all for stopping by!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

a bit of christmas

I've been trying to get pictures of all my Christmas decorations but just have not had the time. Here a few for you to peak at...


Make sure you check back this week to see the rest! I promise I will have them posted soon! Thanks for stopping by!